(570) 689-1012

A DEP Certified Testing Specialist from the GHI - Radon division will be happy to come to your house to place a continuous radon monitor. This method of testing is considered to be the gold standard in the industry of radon testing equipment.​​
48 Years of GHI
Generations of quality in the making.
GHI, which stands for Grace Home Improvements, is happy to be celebrating 48 years in the industry of improving homes by way of construction, restoration, remodeling, and so much more. 

We have grown through the years and gained wisdom through experience which has been passed down so that the legacy can continue. 

We have experience in general construction, home repair & restoration, inspections, and, our most recent addition, which is our Radon division. 

We were happy to learn about the opportunity to help people live better and longer lives though the simple process of testing and recommending a certified mitigator the air quality in the local homes.

It has been over 4 productive years now since the addition of the Radon Division, where we believe that we have truly made a difference.